Has Medium Gone Downhill? My Frustrated Thoughts and How to Fix It

The Random Writer
5 min readAug 26, 2024
Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for a while now, and I’ve got to say, the platform just isn’t what it used to be. I remember when I first started, the content felt fresh, engaging, and most importantly, worth my time. But lately? It’s like the quality has taken a nosedive, and I’m left wondering if this is the same platform I once loved.

Let’s get real: the bar for quality seems to have dropped significantly over the past year. It feels like Medium is becoming more of a content farm than a platform for meaningful, well-crafted stories. Every time I scroll through my feed, I’m bombarded with clickbait headlines, recycled advice, and superficial articles that barely scratch the surface of any real topic. Where’s the depth? Where’s the originality? It’s like everyone’s just chasing the algorithm instead of focusing on creating something genuinely valuable.

And don’t even get me started on the Partner Program. I’m all for writers getting paid for their work, but it seems like the system is rewarding quantity over quality. I see writers pumping out several short, shallow pieces a day, and they’re the ones getting traction. Meanwhile, thoughtful, in-depth articles are getting buried under the sheer volume of fluff. It’s frustrating to put time and effort into something only to have it lost in a sea of mediocrity.

